Saturday, December 5, 2009

Master Lock Combination Program

Young People in power

pupils asked Berezovsky to address concerns city. Nov. 26 decision that the city will create a citywide high school council. Well, a good solution. As said Specialist, Education IV Tonkov: "If you have an idea and I have an idea, then we will have two ideas." Sharing ideas, views and experiences will be very important for school managers.
What remains unclear. Schoolchildren collected and straight to the "forehead" asked them a question: "Would you like to the city council was set up like?". All estessno answered "Yes". And I do too. But the most important thing I did not understand: what is to be engaged in this advice? What problems will be solved? . It seemed to me that the answer to this question would be embarrassed almost all pupils were in the hall. Only representatives of the settlements would know that they will have to decide. It and understandably, the school in the village - the center of cultural and social life. In the city - is another problem. Since we do not have to collect meeting people, organize their leisure time, solve problems, such as area, the work of the Board high school students in urban school closes on addressing only the school and we rarely think what problems must be solved in the city. Perhaps the Council will organize a public entertainment, holding various stocks. What problems Students may decide, I still do not understand that.
Meanwhile, six months, the board of our high school seniors had never held a single meeting. It turns out that while the role of SS in the lives of secondary school is 0. But elections are held. Selected three new members. A sense something? This is already showing off some turns.


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