Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cut Cords Of Attachment

in Kazakhstan so many morons

I've always wondered - why us people in the comments to articles on websites leave such idiotic comments as if they had just climbed down from a palm tree and nothing about the world does not know.

Now I understood why. The reason, as always, and education.

I bought Kazakhstan's school textbook. This "geography of the world" for Grade 11, the authors ridges Talgat, Yertys Akhmetov Akhmetov Kadyrbek. 2007 edition.

Previously, we had a textbook, Vladimir Pavlovich Maksakovskogo - famous Russian geographer.

Right now what his content

Foreword 5
Part I
Topic 1. Modern political map of the World 9
1. We consider diversity of the modern world
September 2. We characterize the impact of international relations at the political map of the world 14
3. We get acquainted with the state systems of the world 17
4. We learn about the political geography of 19
Theme 2. The geography of the world's natural resources. Pollution and Environmental Protection 25
1. We study interaction of society and nature 25
2. We commend the world's natural resources 28
3. We consider the pollution and environmental protection 41
4. We learn about the geographical resursovedenii and Geoecology 46
Theme 3. The geography of the world's population in 1957
1. We get to know the number and the reproduction of the population 57
2. We learn about the composition (structure) Population 66
3. We characterize the distribution and migration 71
4. We compare the urban and rural populations. . 74
Theme 4. Scientific-technical revolution and the world economy in 1991
1.We characterize the scientific and technical revolution in 1991
2. We are exploring the world economy in 1998
3. We consider the sectoral and territorial structure of the world economy 102
4. We get acquainted with the factors placing 110
Topic 5. Geography industries of the world economy 123
1. We are studying the geography of the industry 123
2. We consider the geography of agriculture and fisheries 140
3. We are engaged in transport geography 150
4. We get acquainted with the World Economic Relationship 159
Part II
regional characteristics WORLD
Theme 6. Overseas Europe 179
1.We give a general description of foreign Europe 179
2. We study the geographical Figure resettlement and agriculture 197
3. We get acquainted with the sub-regions and countries of foreign Europe 202
Theme 7. Foreign Asia. Australia 223
1. We give a general characterization Foreign Asia 223
2. We are studying China 235
3. We know Japan 241
4. We "discovered" India 250
5. We are introduced to Australia 257
Theme 8. Africa 273
1. We give a general characterization Africa 273
2. We associate the subregions of North and Sub-Saharan Africa. South Africa 281
Theme 9. North America 295
1. We give a general characterization of the United States America's 295
2. We consider makrorayony U.S. 311
3. We get acquainted with Canada 316
Theme 10. Latin America 331
1. We give a general characterization of Latin America 331
2. We get to know Brazil 340
Part III
global problems of mankind (the generalization of knowledge)
Theme 11. Global problems of humanity 351
1. We justify the global problems of mankind 351
2. We learn about global projections, hypotheses, and Project 364
3. We get acquainted with the strategy of sustainable development 367
We are aware world at the beginning of the XXI century. (Instead of a conclusion) 375
Additional literature for more in-depth study of 376 course
Index of terms and abbreviations 378

Now open the Kazakh Textbook:

Chapter 1. The developed world
Chapter 2. Developed countries of Europe
Chapter 3. Developing countries in Asia
Chapter 4. Developing countries in Latin America
Chapter 5.
developing countries in Africa
Chapter 6. Australia and Oceania

That is, our writers have thrown out a description of the global processes of all - both economic and social; well and threw some generalizing.
Kazakhstani schoolchildren proposed stupidly learn the characteristics of countries and issues of "Why?" "Why?", "How is it connected with it?", "Where will this lead is not for them.
Although this course is to give the student a complete picture of the world - but how she'd take?

The authors generally burned (purely looked at the content):
1. In the developed countries of Europe are placed - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova (!!!)
2. In Asia, focuses on China and Turkey - the type most developed countries. And India South Korea, Pakistan, Iran?? Turkey style steeper than India?

In general, if children learn in such textbooks, it is understandable how so many idiotic comments in Kaznet.


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