slyly Medved goes - joint investments in the Kuril Islands in Russia and China, no Japan does not finds itself. Koreans can still drag
Fishing Company of Russia and China are going through a joint investment Island Kanushire learn growing sea cucumbers. The other day the parties have agreed in this area, have signed a memorandum establishing a precedent international economic cooperation in the Kuriles. This information has caused yet another violent resentment of the Government of Japan, which intends to protest to the Russian side.
As reported by the "Kyoto News» («Kyodo News»), an agreement was signed between the Russian firm "Revival" and Chinese fishing companies from Dalian. As it became known, a plan of breeding sea cucumbers on the island of Kunashir was developed by the Chinese side with the calculation of export products to China. After the necessary procedures for environmental assessment in April of this year is expected official launch of the project.
In November 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited the processing plant of seafood on the island of Kunashir. Following this, in turn arrives senior officials. Along with the promotion of local infrastructure projects, Russia has demonstrated a proactive approach to attract investment foreign enterprises.
February 11 this year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during talks with Japanese Foreign Minister Mr. Maehara suggested that both sides conducted joint economic activities on the Kuril Islands , did not rule out investments from China and South Korea.
According to the Minister of Regional Development of Russia, Mr. Basargin, Russia has offered to develop the Kuril Islands and South Korean enterprises. To those expressed great interest, in particular - for items such as: construction, coal mining, rybopromysel, tourist business.
Sakhalin Oblast Administration, having jurisdiction over the Kuril Islands, in April last year in Seoul organized by the investment presentation of the islands. A similar plan in Beijing in March this year.
Government of Japan, which requires the return of the South Kuriles, believes that the whole economic Activity is void, and is similar to the occupation. Aggravation of territorial disputes only increases the barriers to the peace treaty between Japan and Russia.
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on February 15 said, if Russia's intentions on the islands are valid, then it is unacceptable for our position. "
A Minister Maehara at the press conference said that the need to clarify the truth of that information. If everything is confirmed, Japan is not going to tolerate this, because Russia going through international investments to strengthen control over the Kuriles, not having the right. Southern Kuril Islands belong to Japan - continue to firm policy Land of the Rising Sun.
The Japanese side also continues to be indignant because of Russia's permit any foreigners to visit the Kurile Islands in Russia visa.
Japanese ministers said they would file a protest. Meanwhile, in Japan, many feel that is sharp and firm stance of her government will not help the country to break the impasse on the territorial issue.
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