It's time to write a second part of the report of the trip planned to the Altai:)
the past often ended with a story that we had a beautiful sunny day in a secret location on the banks of the Katun. Then the next day, too, was good, passed a few miles as I do not remember, but finally ended this way and started priming tussocks and rocks in the evening we again perched on the bank of Katun river and at night by the campfire watching the stars and the ultra luminous spots. Quite maybe it was a UFO, but it is no surprise.
way in the campaigns of me for some reason, very pleased with the pasta with ketchup and mayonnaise, so yummy when on fire:) and if all fungi catch ... uh ..... well, yes, I got distracted. In terms of the next day was listed Oroktoy pass before he had to pass 15-20 miles total, then 6.8 km climb, and then another 15-20 downhill with the wind (we were hoping ...), and then a little more to hold on to the highway and it is up to Ongudaya. So yesterday, we hoped it eat soup Ongudai cafe. All began well, drove fast, but after oroktoyskogo bridge brewing storm, we decided that the smart tourist will not moknet, a time hides and set a tent, we thought, sit down for half an hour and dry going on. But the rain for those places a natural event and showers that fell into the river, there same rising fog and spilled over. The mountains there somehow cleverly grow to create a corridor for the clouds. At 1O km from this site may be clear skies, but over Oroktoem stable clouds and showers. As a result, we set out in the rain, soaked, dirt adhered to the wheels, but the ride can still be had. Albeit very slowly. Gray Heaven all grow thick and dark, the road along which we had to go to forks and looked like this:
And just then came the evening, and rainfall sold ... We decided to stay the night nearby, put up a tent in the tall wet grass. Went to bed wet and hungry.
The next morning, long Karpich studied the map, but I doubt which way we should go. Have chosen the right one, because I succumbed to the logical reasoning that once a right-Rolled and it often ride, so it's ours. After this, my logic can be attributed to retire:) A few hours later we crawled into suspiciously steep rise in the bed of the stream, and dirt. The closer was a peak, the steeper the slope, and when the power is completely gone we met at the fresh dirt trail traces of someone's huge claws, and a number of in the forest someone has a prolonged howling voice of a child and a puppy. They say that bears both crying. Could be scared and throw out faster, but "soon" did not, because it is almost crawling on all fours:) and then, finally, seemed to saddle, but! the road went into the fence of the Altai wintering and ends here. It was not a pass. We are sad, gobbled up a loaf of bread with water and returned to the starting point. The dream of the soup has dimmed ...
had to start way at first.
Left The road was completely overgrown, but not so steep, and after the first kilometer was noticeably wider and rocky. Go on it was not so difficult, but we already poiznosilis per day and often stopped for a short holiday. Yuri could not resist and began to eat dried pasta, I could not stop dreaming of soup:)
sly, we reached vershinki and rejoice! Finally, you can sit on the bikes and go down with the breeze. And indeed, the first 2 miles we passed at once, but then began a cow health spa with mud. It was impassable. It was almost impassable on foot, about to go could forget. The road was a mud bath, we have fuel in it. I had to jump from tussock to tussock in a grassy marsh, which went to the side of the trail. Cows stared in amazement at us wide-eyed and respectful rastupalis. Night was falling. The dream of soup writhing in its death convulsions. Became very cold and very wet. Some areas we still drove on the grass but the rate was negligible. In addition, our way blocked by a closed fence (yes, I forgot to say - this is a huge corral). And the fence was a huge Bull and bychil:) He put on the horns of Jura, and said: "Muuuuuuuu!". Argue with him did not want to, besides getting dark. We found a relatively clean place to kakashek and put palatochku. Soon, we call on the first guest - the curious cow sniffed carefully tilt. I barked at her and she fled, knocking hooves:) Then a few came, everyone was curious as to what kind of horse with round legs:)
photos from this part of the journey there, why something was not up to them))) Am Altaian galloped and took his bull. We untied the rope on the fence and continued to descend. Sometimes you can go on grass, which we enjoyed. Then we met farm and tractor. Civilization began. But the road was still liquid. And what is most unpleasant - dried manure and became adhere to all parts of the leads, so we stopped every 20-30 feet and pick out gnawed to the wheel to scroll. It's annoying. After a couple of hours, met a long strip of grass on which could go, and the sun came out and dry dirt. Descent drew to a close and ended in Lower Taldy. Tolley really beautiful village, she felts so appeared after all these rains and mud:)
We made it safely to the road and went to Onguday. We shot it a simple house to dry things and otelis. But the next day began again rain and cold. On this day, we finally broke down and different that it is cold and wet. Yes, and also lost single pump velonipeley (and on Yurinov wheels velonipelyami), and great was the chance to pierce the wheel, but there is nothing to inflate. In general, we protupili and gave up, deciding to go back home: (On the same day on the way back Karpich just yet punctured the wheel, but we saved Altaian, drilled rim drill. Luggage with avtonipelem was with me.
morning moved to Seminskii and still drove at him, dismounting a couple of times briefly. I do not like this pass, cold, ugly and as long as a snake. Nevertheless, he stayed behind and get down with him was great fun, especially Yuri, who has not worked for the rear brake (cable end came after the mud). We traveled with a very brisk rate and were going to stay for the night until nine, but then he met the oncoming Italian Weller who traveled to Australia:) and he did to get there! Despite his injured leg. Well done, and we loshary:))) together with the Italian was Alexei, the biker from the Lower. About him I have already written. He never returned home. Next in our disgraceful journey has not been anything interesting, got to Miami, the bus did not come, we arrived a good man in a pickup truck to Biisk, there is a bus home. Finally, all messed up a fight with a carrier bus and then another. But that was even in a past life:)
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