begin making a constructive. Lately it has become very disappointing to spend time on any unnecessary hnyu and fall asleep with thoughts of what has been done. etc. etc. .. so that now becomes my LJ надзирающим Цербером. Я буду описывать здесь все, что удалось натворить за день. В основном это будет касаться мультов.
!!!!!! если вам влом читать эти записи and scrolling picture of friends udovlstviya does not deliver, then please accomplish your goal here and I'll create a separate group to see the records will not be.
"So now, those who are interested, as I do cartoons, Welcome to my Blog under the cut.
Now we have 2 projects, one of "unfinished" about the grandparents, the other - a series of her short 20 30sekundnyh movie about bikers and dogs. One of these spots we want to get done to "green apples", ie until 17 October.
script is already written, storyboard more or less sketched the character "dog" is the background (one, there are only 2) I started doing back in June in Photoshop, but really I do not like it, time it ugrohano many and the day before I decided to hammer the bolt at the painting in Photoshop yesterday and made him paint and already processed.
here it is, nedodelany fotoshopovsky option:
but what was done yesterday:
The next time I will write down how much time is spent on the picture and its treatment.
way, the photo that was taken as basis. This Ex:
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