Today was a very interesting day. Invited to the administration to meet incomprehensible to anyone and it is unclear why. When I came, it turned out that the meeting will be the press secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional center for prevention and treatment HIV infection. It was called like a press conference. We, representatives of school media must have been asking questions Auntie. But the question is, unfortunately, turned out to be a little bit. All reported just this morning about the meeting and no one even knew for what reason is the administration. Someone is generally expected to meet with Brozovskim: D
Auntie was very pleasant, spoke on the general situation of the HIV epidemic in Sverdlovsk region. Talked about all uploaded a bunch of information)
And we sat and tried to record all the most basic. Fortunately, I had a tape recorder. The whole conversation is recorded on it (approximately 2:00). So now I will try to process this information)
Actually, today in our city held some kind of large-scale action on HIV. In terms of administration are some regional seminars, meetings, schools, too, as I understood, were involved in this.
entire day traveling about the town gazelle with a red cross, where everyone could check their HIV status. Wishing it was mnogo.V mostly young people 20 - 30 years. Passers-by were not. All were specifically, pre-znav about the action. In general, the rally was a success and attracted the attention of the public. And this, in my opinion, the most important thing.
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