In late August, сплавлялся на катамаране по Чусовой. Компания наша состояла из 8 человек и уместились мы все на двух 4- местных катамаранах. Компания, несмотря на мои опасения Proved to be suitable for me (!). After hearing the first time about the possibility of alloy I, of course, very pleased. But ... There were reasons for this trip could not take place. And remembering this now, yet I understand that I was right, scoring all the "important" things, and went on a fascinating journey).
Our rafting trip was laid from the village to village Mart'yanovo Upper Oslyanka. Distance in Chusovoi between the settlements equals 145 km. Already captures the spirit when you realize how far we have overcome.
Two hours of preparation, lunch, and we set off on a long journey))) seven days and eight nights to be to hold us all together. During the rafting was a lot of stops in beautiful places. Therefore, try to describe the most interesting and memorable.
The first stop occurred within 300 meters from our "launch pad". Here begins Martyanovskaya arc. The river makes a sharp bend, and turns something like a loop. Along the shore in this place you can go to the stone terminal. By land, here 100 m, and the river 5 km.
Day Two
Tract Ilim.
Stop for lunch on the second day was a scenic location - the tract Ilim. Here, when it was with. Ilim. Founded it in 1708. But now, at this point there was nothing left. Only preserved traces of the old pier. Its walls were lined with hewn stone of different sizes. And in the open field can see a small wooden structure, crowned with an Orthodox cross - this place was once the Holy Trinity Church.
К вечеру we came in with. Sulem. In principle, an ordinary village, which in our region the greatest of mnozhestvo.Sdelav water supplies, and went looking for a place for night shelter. With grief in half, but only after 5 km. we found normal landscaped park.
third day.
Настоящее уральское село.
Sometime long ago, I wrote that to be continued, but the continuation was not followed. So spread now ready material.
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Прошло summer. Ended vacation. Everyone remembers them differently. I mainly remember rafting Chusovoi. This summer I first participated in this campaign. When received proposal, agreed immediately without thinking. And here we go in our long journey. Our company is comprised of several people: me and Vanya Graborov - Orienteers from DK Meridian, Instructor of Sport "Meridiana" AN Zelenin, and members of the tourist club n. Troy. Our "head" and trainer in this campaign was an instructor for Tourism KDM Elena Kolyagin. Start of our rafting was in the village Mart'yanovo Shali district. Two hours of preparations and we descend catamarans on the water. The first sensation of ineffable: you rocking on the waves, and you're constantly looking into the water to keep from falling. But after awhile you start to feel severe fatigue. Unpleasant aching arms and back, and you already begin to keep an eye on the shore in search of a place for mooring. Eventually you get used to, and fatigue and discomfort are replaced by admiration and contemplation of nature. The first day passed quietly. Under the impression and feeling of fatigue still do not understand all the importance of the moment. Just fall asleep with the thought of the couch and a warm room. On the morning of the second day you wake up fresh and active. Surprisingly, no sense of lack of sleep. Hands are themselves drawn to the oar, and the whole body is burning with impatience to be back on the catamaran. And here we are again going with the Chusovoi. Around - Silence, broken only by such natural at this point sounds of nature. At Chusovoi so many different rocks that are called stones in the Urals. A total of about three hundred. By the way, they are very common. Near some of them we did stop to get to the top and see the beauty of the surrounding neighborhoods, which opens there. By the way, we encountered many villages and hamlets. Some of them have been abandoned, while others, on the contrary, even in the bloom. Such an impression with. Ust-Duck. The first thought that came to me when we landed on the beach - now the Urals village. Home here are strong and built to last. On the streets all around cleanliness. Almost every house around vykoshena grass. It is also very memorable with. Kyn, located in the Perm region. It is situated in a picturesque location. If you follow the river, it opens gaze rafters gradually from this experience even more increases. Number of stores in Kyne defies calculation. Apparently, local businesses clean up the tourists - rafters. In the penultimate day of our journey, we have treated themselves to a day of rest with this tourist bath. And it is easy enough, just need to have patience and desire. Our bath is practically no different from usual, and was even better with direct access to the cool river. Already by the next morning we arrived at the final point of our rafting - n. The upper Oslyanka. Eight days, seven nights and 145 miles. way - that is the result of rafting on Chusovoi.
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