21.05 - 21.06
Apollo (Phoebus), son of Zeus, the god - healer and soothsayer, patron of the arts. God is light, streloverzhets, patron of the predictions, the leader of the Muses. It should be noted that this god differed a fair variability. He could give a man with one hand talent, and the other is deprived of the recognition; could both heal ailments, and didst send them. Just as controversial steel and people born in its month.
People Apollo did not differ perseverance, lightheadedness, tend to let things take their course, though gifted with special talent and good looks. They can achieve meaningful in life only because of luck and intuition, rather than persistence and diligence. Important thing in life for these people should be a definite purpose for which they should concentrate fully.
symbol of Apollo was a lyre. Devoted to Apollo and the laurel tree, sacred animals - the wolf, dolphin, hawk, mouse, lizard, attributes - a bow or cittern, auspices.
Other signs of the Greek horoscope .
Letnitsa (Lola)
22.05 - 02.06
from May 22 to June 2 in a month Traven Letnitsa worshiped. Letnitsa - Perun's wife, she's Perunitsa, Gromovitsa.
People Letnitsa have a reaction, fast and mobile psyche. They are unpredictable and variable. Lively, smart and intelligent. Courageous and ready to help. Sometimes irritable. People Letnitsa like lightning. They do not get bored.
Lady of people born in this time interval, are also considered to Lola. She - the goddess of love, the patroness of happiness and beauty. People who are under the sign of Lely, do not be afraid of loneliness, though some might argue, they say, "May - a lifetime to suffer." Bullshit! Goddess Lola, according to ancient beliefs, love always helps.
She will never give up man, born in May, the arbitrariness of fate and especially not leave him alone for all eternity. Those who are born in May, an excellent sense of humor, kind spirit and warm heart. Interestingly, the holiday Lelnik or Red Hill says not in May, and April 21. And it's not a bug, because in April the goddess Lola for the first time asserting itself. Likewise, people born under its protection, can always make themselves heard without fear of being misunderstood.
Other signs Slavic horoscope .